Sunday 21 July 2013

Rock and Roll Baby

Here is my little air guitarist showing off his graffiti'd cast this week...

I decided to try out something with his cast this week... and so far it has resulted in MUCH more positive conversations than the standard 'How did he break his leg?' I think because after people have read it, they already know 'the basics', they have been more likely to ask different questions, which has made conversations much more enjoyable than having to do the broken record "He was born with talipes... club foot... and he has a plaster cast on to help his foot grow straight..." Any other talipes mamas identify?!?

I'd still much rather people asked a question (even if it's one that feels like they're asking if I dropped him or Big Sis squashed him...!) than stared. The stares are the hardest thing. I'm so used to Starbaby's cast that I often assume people are staring because he's gorgeous, or because I carry him in a sling... then I remember that it's probably for another reason.

And now for a couple of gratuitous 'cute baby' photos of my beautiful Starbaby at 4 months old!

I love him to the stars and back!

1 comment:

  1. Rock and roll baby!! Such a positive and fun thing to do, you already know how much I love decorating casts, can't wait for next weeks. Gorgoues boy :)
