Tuesday 9 July 2013

Into Week 11

Cast #10 is on (Starbaby's 11th week of treatment).

His foot hadn't really changed from last week... the heel probably  isn't going to come down any more until his tenotomy, but frustratingly the consultant is away for three weeks so the earliest that will be done is a fortnight. This is going on soooooo long! I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end. One day I will be showing Starbaby this blog and it will all be a dim and distant memory.

It looks like he'll have 4 or 5 more weeks in casts before Boots and Bars in mid August, at around 5 months old.

It's hard seeing other babies, both in person at our hospital and online, having their feet corrected in half the number of casts Starbaby has had, but I think his foot is a fairly 'extreme' club foot, so it stands to reason it's going to take longer than some. It's hard to think of him still being in full time BnB at 8 or 9 months old... but I guess we'll all get used to it, just like we have done casts.

We weight Starbaby today and he was 12lb on the nose! That's over double his dinky birth weight of 5lb 11oz - wow!

Now for this week's photos...

Starbaby's foot after 9 casts - scoring a 1 again.

Our gorgeous little boy.

Big Sis enjoying a biscuit from her favourite playworker at the talipes clinic.

Yummy foot... heel still needs to drop more, but otherwise... getting closer!

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