Tuesday 27 August 2013

Tomorrow's the day...

... that Starbaby goes back into casts.

We've had an amazing 3.5 weeks cast-free. Yes, his foot has regressed a fair bit, but my goodness it has been worth it. Baths! Freedom to dress him in whatever we want! No worries about his leg overheating! People not staring and asking how he broke his leg! A little taste of normality... it's been great, although bittersweet in a way as it's reminded me what we are missing.

We've had so many baths... some with just Starbaby and Big Sis but most with me as well, and a few on holiday with Daddy too (our bath at home is too small for all 4 of us, unfortunately)!

Starbaby has also progressed a lot physically in the last few weeks... perhaps it's coincidence, but I think not being hindered/focused on a cast on his right leg has really helped him develop in other areas. He has an as-yet-undiagnosed muscle condition which affects him globally, but especially in his arms, wrists, hands, fingers, neck and 'trunk' (back/front) but recently he has become a pro at rolling, been (with help, sometimes) holding things with his right hand and bringing them to his mouth, and is also pulling his head/upper body forward as if he's trying to sit up.

I hope that he continues to get stronger and stronger even with a cast on... he's going to need that strength come Boots and Bar time in a couple of months!

Wish us luck for the 4+ hour round-trip-with-a-3-year-old-and-car-hating-baby tomorrow...!

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