Tuesday 6 August 2013

All Change

No normal Tuesday cast-change update today.

There's been a lot of soul searching and instinct trusting going on in our household recently. And the result is that we've decided to move Starbaby's talipes care to a different hospital. It's going to be a 180 mile round trip to take him there, but the consultant is widely viewed as one of the top in the country (and seems very knowledgeable, caring and lovely via email), so we are willing to make that trip... we will do whatever we need to to ensure our little boy's special foot is being looked after well.

It's pretty heart-breaking to think Starbaby has had many casts over the past 3.5 months that might not have been necessary... but we have to look to the future.

I really feel like we have made the right decision. Both Daddy's and my instincts are saying that.

So, Starbaby is still cast free, until we (re)start treatment at our new hospital in a week or two. And since we're off on a mini-holiday to the Isle of Wight tomorrow, Starbaby will hopefully be enjoying his first paddle in the sea in a couple of days!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're having to make more difficult decisions that you shouldn't have to.

    I hope you all enjoy your mini holiday x
