Tuesday 14 May 2013

3rd Cast on.

This morning Starbaby had his 2nd cast removed. He's been slightly crankier than usual over the past week and after today I think it may be at least partly because he was doing some major growing and it made his casted leg feel a bit uncomfy. As he had grown it was very hard for them to remove it due to there being no gap between his leg and cast. Starbaby was calm to start with (despite having been woken 5 minutes into a sling-nap... again) but a little unimpressed by the end.

Afterwards we gave him his weekly bath which again he loved. We had to be a little quicker this time as there was a baby 2 days younger than Starbaby waiting to have her bath after him, and we also had to fit in seeing the physiotherapist before his new cast went on.

We've been given further exercises to do with his arms, and his paediatrician has referred him to the hand surgeon as she is concerned that he still has very limited movement in his arms and hands. Yet more hospital visits :(

Starbaby's foot is now a 3. It was noticeably more 'normal looking' than last week and a world away from 2 weeks ago. It is now pretty straight but pointing downwards, so the next stage is to stretch it into a normal 'sole downwards' position. I think we'll be visiting the hospital every Tuesday for a fair while to come.

I'm writing this from my phone while Starbaby sleeps on my chest in the ring sling, so can't upload this week's photos yet but I'll try to get them online soon.

1 comment:

  1. That's good that you're seeing a difference already. I'm sorry you're going to have even more hospital visits but I hope the hand surgeon has some answers and can help starbaby xx
