Saturday 29 December 2012

New Approach

I've had a bit of a 'revelation' this evening... I am very much of the school of thought of enjoying pregnancy right from the word go, getting excited, thinking of baby as a BABY from the start etc etc i.e. not thinking "I might have a miscarriage so I'd better not get too attached." If I had miscarried (as I have done, three times), I'd've been devastated, whether or not I had 'let myself get attached' to that baby.

I feel like I should take the same approach to birth... if I don't have a homebirth, I will feel sad about that whatever the circumstances, whether I have planned my homebirth and got excited about it or tried not to get attached to the idea in case it doesn't work out. So I've decided to plan for Starbaby to be born at home, get in things we need to buy like a new hose and bath thermometer etc etc, do my hypnobirthing preparation, read happy homebirth stories, say out loud that I'm planning a homebirth... I accept there's a chance a homebirth may not happen, but that chance is there for everyone to some degree, and there's no point focusing on that right now. I owe it to my little boy to do everything I can to stay as positive as possible, and I know that homebirth-y things will go a long way in helping me keep up that attitude.

I may as well approach the 3 months until I give birth in the more positive way I can, and hopefully that familiarity of planning a homebirth will be a comfort and reassurance, too. :)

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