Wednesday 26 December 2012

Better Scan

Our 26 week scan on 18th December brought better news than our 24 week one. We saw the consultant we saw at 20 weeks, whom I much prefer to the 'doom and gloom-er' we saw at 24 weeks. She talked through everything she saw during the scan, listened carefully to me and gave us the information we asked for.

Starbaby's measurements, by my dates (which she accepted were probably the most reliable) are looking much much better.... more like 25th centile (or more) than the 5th centile they were coming up as 2 weeks before. The consultant said they were averaging at about 25 weeks and 6 days... and on the day of our scan I was 26 weeks and 1 or 2 days pregnant - 4 days behind average is of no concern at all! We will still be kept a close eye on, but if more scans show his measurements are just 'small side of normal' there's no way he classes as IUGR.

His fluid was over 11cm rather than the 7cm of 2 weeks previous... low end of normal but over 5th centile which classes as normal.

The consultant said that generally, if a 2 vessel cord is associated with a major (or even minor) abnormality, there would be a sign of something not being right with the heart or kidneys. Starbaby's are looking perfect so she seemed to think it was very likely to be just a 'variant of the normal'.

She didn't even seem to consider his talipes to be particularly relevant as a marker, since it was unilateral.

Everything she said tied in with the theories I had developed after reading and thinking a lot following our 24 week scan. It was such a relief to be seen by someone with a much more positive outlook. It has given us hope that Starbaby will be born perfectly healthy, just with a slightly wonky left foot.

Feeling more positive. Long may it last. Next scan 3.5 weeks after the last, on 11th January.

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