Saturday, 22 February 2014

Crawling in Boots and Bar

Starbaby has now been in his Boots and Bar for 3.5 weeks (24 days, if we're being exact) and is doing wonderfully. He doesn't bat an eyelid at them, and is now very used to them going back on after his hour off, so is getting slightly better at lying still (as long as he's got something to hold) which makes getting them on a lot easier. At first, it took so long to get them right that we needed Daddy sitting with him on his lap and entertaining him with bizarre baby youtube videos, but now I can do it on my own and generally get them on before he tries to crawl away.

Speaking of crawling, take look at this!

I'm one proud mama. He's been crawling in his BnBs 'full time' for a week or so now. Amazing for a little chap with low muscle tone, and a very weak left arm (not to mention his feet being fixed together). He first started commando crawling forwards 2 days before getting his Boots on, at about 10 months old. Within a week or so he was doing a few 'proper crawls', then 'collapsing' on his left arm, commando crawling just using the right for a bit, then pushing up for a few more proper crawls. Then sometime in the last week I noticed he was proper crawling all the time. My goodness! He is doing so, so well. We have done physio exercises many times a day, every day since he was a few weeks old, and he's come so far. When he was born his left arm was totally floppy, no movement whatsoever. It's still a fair bit weaker than the right (which isn't 100% itself) and is also shorter than his left... but somehow it manages to share the job of supporting his weight, and... he can crawl!

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